Charles Brecque

Co-Founder and CEO of TextMine

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© Charles Brecque. All rights reserved


TextMine is an E2E AI powered knowledge base for your business critical documents (things like invoices, payslips, tender documents, compliance reports and even contracts). We consolidate everything into a single operational layer to enable proactive decision making. We give Increased data transparency, whilst allowing document creation to be more scalable and uniform we’ve helped organisations save money and time while reducing their risk profile whilst increasing compliance.


Charles Brecque is the co-founder and CEO of TextMine. Charles started TextMine in Oxford in 2020 with Amber Akhtar after experiencing data loss and friction when working with legal and financial business-critical documents. TextMine leverages patented knowledge graph technology and large language models in order to structure the unstructured data in documents. Prior to TextMine, Charles was the first commercial hire at Mind Foundry, a machine learning spin-out from the University of Oxford. Charles is a graduate of the École Centrale de Lyon.


Get in touch if you'd like to find out more about TextMine or myself.